Your donation makes Advent House’s work possible.
As the challenges individuals and families face grow, the need for those who can lift them up has never been greater — your donation makes Advent House’s work possible. Deeply in touch with our community’s needs, we will connect your support with programs and services that transform the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors.
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We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our recurring donation option. For now, please use our one-time donation form or contact us at +1 517-485-4722. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. We'll update this message when recurring donations are available again.
Recurring Donation
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Impact Stats
- $25 = transportation within city limits for 1 month.
- $75 = a night’s stay at a hotel for a family or individual affected by homelessness.
- $100 = basic supplies like bottled water, hand warmers, bug spray and socks for 10 people.
- $250 = individual assistance in finding and maintaining housing.
- $500 = food for 125 women, children and men at the Weekend Day Shelter.
- $750 = food, clothing and other basic necessities for newly housed individuals and families.
- $1000 = a month of essential support services for a homeless individual or family.
Amazon Wish List
Our Amazon Wish List is regularly updated with our most needed items. Amazon will ship purchases directly to Advent House and we’ll distribute your donated goods free of charge to individuals in need.